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4GIRLS, 4BOYS, 1WEEKEND. 9 (+18)


          It was Monday morning but it felt like a Saturday morning. I woke up aching sweetly in the right places. I was worn out but refreshed. I turned on my back, facing up, I stretched and yawned then I felt around my bed looking for my BB. I found it under my pillow and I put it on before saying a quick prayer, then I checked my messages. I had plenty but I was just interested in one at the moment; Habib’s. If his messages weren’t waiting for me on my phone this morning I would feel very sad, disappointed in fact. I read his pings and my heart swelled! It went thus:

“Morning sunshine! It felt strange and lonely waking up alone?. I miss you. I miss your warm and luscious body next to mine. Ping me when you wake up. Kiss kiss. ???”

I quickly typed my reply.

“Good morning sweetheart.?? I slept well and I’m still aching pleasantly all the places you touched! ??I miss you too!?”

Custom Text


          I put my phone on my bed and stood up, went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. Naturally I would have done some exercises but the sex I had over the weekend had covered it! I put on a tank top and a short skirt and went into the sitting room taking along my BB. Everyone was there except Koyin.

‘Good morning ladies. Did you sleep well?’ I asked.

‘Refreshing.’ Bimpe said.

‘Fine.’ Amanda said.

‘Where’s Koyin?’ I enquired.

‘I never see am this morning but he be like say movement dey her room. I bin dey hear voices self. Maybe she’s watching a movie. Make I check am?’ Amanda asked already heading towards her room.

‘No! Don’t bother.’ I said trying to digest what I’ve just heard. I remembered I left Koyin and Opeyemi in the sitting room, and now Amanda was hearing movements and voices coming from her room. Could it be that Ope slept over? Hmmm, today should be interesting; I thought and went into the kitchen.


          There were some fried eggs in the pan and I put some on my plate, took four slices of bread and made a cup of green tea to go with it. I put all on a tray and took it to the dining. Bimpe was reading a novel, Amanda was watching TV and I was on my fourth bread when Koyin came out of her room and Ope was closely behind her! I swear, if Koyin was white, she would have turned red at that moment!

‘Mo-morning girls.’ She whispered.

‘Morning!’ We all chorused trying very hard to hide our surprises and smiles. Ope sensed Koyin’s distress and moved closer to her. He draped his left hand over her shoulder and said to us;

‘Morning angels! Am I safe?’ This time we all giggled.

‘My headlights developed some faults as we were coming yesterday, and she wouldn’t allow me to drive home alone with bad lights. Isn’t she sweet and caring?’ He asked dropping a kiss on Koyin’s temple. Bimpe and I nodded in agreement and Amanda said;

‘Very caring! Not that you owe us any explanations, though!’ I eyed Amanda, she didn’t have to say that. It only embarrassed both of them more. Why they were both embarrassed was beyond me though.

‘Okay then I’ll be on my way. Y’all have a good week ahead.’ he said walking out still holding Koyin.

‘We will. Thank you. Bye!’ Bimpe said.


          I quickly finished my food, took my plate to the kitchen, washed and dried them and hurried back to the sitting room. A minute after I sat down, Koyin came in raising her two hands up like she was being arrested.

‘Okay girls, before you people pounce on me. Yes he slept here. No we didn’t have sex and no it’s not what you are thinking! Any other questions?’ She asked.

‘Yes!’ We all answered at once. She rolled her eyes at us, dropped her hands from the arrest position and slumped on the sofa.

‘What is it? I thought I answered your questions already!’ she said.



‘When!’ We all started to speak at the same time. She raised up her hand and said;

‘One by one oo!’

‘Girls keep calm. No need to rush! Let her start from the beginning since we promised to tell each other how our weekend went. Start from when we all said goodbye to each other and you entered his car! Then each of us will relate our experience too. No one should interrupt anyone while narrating unless it is absolutely necessary! Deal?’ Amanda and Bimpe nodded but Koyin asked pouting;

‘Why do we have to start with me?’

‘Because a man slept in your room last night and you got caught this morning!’ I answered.

‘Besides we are all dying to know why he really slept in your room!’ Amanda said.

‘And remember don’t leave anything out no matter how small or irrelevant!’ I added.

‘Okay ma, but can I get my food first sha?’

‘Hurry!’ Amanda said.

She came back and sat with us after eating and then she started telling us about her weekend…



‘Hope you are good?’ Ope asked me as I buckled my seatbelt, I looked at him smiling shyly.

‘Yes I’m fine. Thank you.’ He started the engine and drove off into the night.

‘Where would you like to go before we go to my crib?’ He asked me.

‘Anywhere.’ I answered.

‘Anywhere is nowhere Koyin. Do you have any place in mind?’ He pestered me.

‘Okay okay! I like high life music. My father is a fan, I grew up on it. If you know a place where we can chill and listen to one, I don’t mind.’ I told him.

‘Now you are talking! I know a place in Yaba, very close to the E-center that plays good high life music.’ He told me as he drove towards the express road. The rest of the journey was spent in silence but I would have paid a lot of money to know what he was thinking about.

‘Here we are madam.’ He said bringing back me to the present.

‘Oh…’ I said unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the car. He walked around to my side of the car and took my right hand in his left hand, we walked side by side into the bar.


          It was filled with smoke and music. It was noisy, cloudy, and colorful and I loved it! The waitress walked up to us and shouting over the music she said;

‘Welcome ma! Welcome sir! Can I find you a seat?’ 

‘Yes! Preferably at a quiet corner!’ He shouted.

‘Okay sir!’ She smiled and left us. Two minutes later she was back, she took us to the far right corner of the bar, the place was secluded enough.

‘Perfect.’ Ope said as we sat down.

‘May I take your orders, sir, ma?’

‘Yes, but give us a minute.’ He said. He then faced me and asked.

‘Do you like this place Koyin?’

‘Yes I do?’ I replied.

‘What will you like to eat?’ He asked handing me the menu. I scanned the menu suspiciously. I guessed he saw the look on my face and said smiling at me.

‘Will you trust me to order for you?’

‘I think so. Since you know their food better.’ I replied.

‘Any drink in particular?’ He asked again.

‘I’m cool with water. I think I’ve had enough alcohol for one night.’ I explained. After all the Moet we drank at home, I dare not drink more than water, I thought to myself. He signaled to the waitress and ordered grilled catfish and chips for both of us and a bottle of Star beer for himself and a bottle of water for me.

He moved closer to me and held my hand as the highlife band played. Soon the waitress returned with our food and we started eating.

‘How’s the fish?’ He inquired.

‘It’s very delicious and juicy. I like it!’ I said with my mouth filled with fish.

‘Good!’ He said and continued eating. We finished eating and the waitress came to pack our plates. He then ordered a plate of snail but Ope was looking at me and smiling so I asked;

‘What’s funny? Is it because I ate the fish head?’ I asked pouting and slightly embarrassed. Why do I like fish head this much?

‘No my love. I love the fact that you ate the head. It’s just that you have some ketchup at the corner of your mouth and it makes you look adorable just like my four-year-old cousin!’ He said laughing at me. I swatted him playfully on his arm and made an attempt to clean it, he stopped me.

‘No let me.’ He said.

‘This guys has a commanding tone that makes you do everything he says without having feeling offended.’ Koyin explained to her friends.

‘Okay. Since you saw it you can be my slave and clean my mouth!’ I taunted. I thought he was going to use the paper napkin until I saw his head approached my mouth!


“Oh my God! He was going to kiss me right here in this bar!” I thought to myself.

‘You girls know Usman was against public display of affection so this was new to me! I felt trilled and slightly shy.’ Koyin told her friends.


          I tried to move my head away from him but he held my head with his hands at both sides. When he was like two inches away from my mouth he stopped and looked into my face, enquiring with his eyes if he should kiss me. Was he kidding me? After the anticipation would I say NO? Funny!!! I moved my head towards his, just a little giving him the permission he needed. He wasted no time.

I was expecting his lips on my lips but instead, he took his tongue to the corner of my mouth and he licked the source away like he was licking ice cream. A few eyes were on us but he didn’t care! It was like he wanted everyone to know we were together!

‘Hmmm… This taste better on you!’ He said and claimed my lips in a passionate kiss! He tasted of fish and wine as I savored the kiss. We played with each other’s lips, moving from the upper lip to the lower lip, licking and eating. I was about to slip my tongue in his mouth when I heard the waitress cleared her throat.

‘Ghhmm ghhmm!’ I had forgotten we were in a bar! I wanted to take my lips away immediately but Ope wouldn’t allow me. He released my lips slowly and looked into my eyes with powerful passion in them, and then kissed my forehead. He draped his hand over my shoulder drawing me closer to him and looked up to the smiling waitress.

‘Sorry to interrupt you sir. Here’s your snail sir, ma. Enjoy!’ She went away still smiling. She must have seen countless of couples kissing here.





*Tweeter/Instagram: @ola2rera

*BBM: 590f6144

*Call: 08128137311

…To be continued…

***Note: Please read, like, leave a comment and share, it makes me write better and want to please you!

Written by Olatorera

Edited by Olatorera and Ola Adeyemi Smith.

© 2015 by IBIOLAT communications.

About Olatorera

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