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4GIRLS, 4BOYS, 1WEEKEND. 15 (+18)



          …’But I thought you liked the busy type na?’ Bimpe countered.

‘People change and so do their taste!’ Amanda said and all the girls laughed and teased her. In an attempt to stop them, she said:

‘Now it’s your turn Bimpe. Tell us about your weekend.’ The teasing stopped and all eyes turned to Bimpe but she shrugged and gave us the shocker of the weekend.

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‘Nothing happened. My period came.’

‘WHAT!!!’ We all screamed in surprised.

          We stared at her like an alien. She stared back defiantly. Then at once Koyin, Amanda and I regained our voices and we fired questions at her at the same time.

‘Didn’t you check your calendar? I asked.

‘But we used to have our period at the same time now!’ Koyin said.

‘How come you didn’t say anything while we were making plans? You can’t expect me to believe that your period came without a notice, Nurse Bimpe.’ I asked her, emphasizing on ‘nurse’ and looking at her suspiciously. We all kept quiet again. I was trying to digest and process the information I have just heard, then Amanda jumped up from her seat, pointed a finger at Bimpe and declared;

‘She’s lying! This bitch is lying to us! She finished her period on Wednesday!’ We all looked at Bimpe to confirm or deny what Amanda said.

‘Woooow! Una be FBI or CIA? Ere ni mo n bayin se jor!’ she said and started laughing but we didn’t laugh with her, she stopped.

‘Why you dey laugh? E funny? E no funny abeg.’ Amanda said angrily. Now Bimpe was looking sober.

‘Come on gurls! I can’t lie to you now. I was just catching fun with you guys. E ma binu segbo?’ she pleaded. I searched the faces of my friends and I could see that they’ve already forgiven her.

‘No wahala? Sha gist us!’ I said. We all rearranged ourselves on our seats.

‘You know what? I’m hungry. Why don’t I gist you about my weekend while I cook us lunch?’ Bimpe suggested.

‘Good idea ’cause I’m very hungry or what do you girls think?’ Koyin asked and Amanda and I nodded in agreements.

‘Alright then, let’s go cook!’ Bimpe said and we all headed to the kitchen.

‘What are we cooking ma?’ Amanda asked Bimpe.

‘Since we’ve all been rowdy this weekend like our universities days, I say we cook concoction rice to mark the occasion! Kile feel?’ Bimpe replied. I jumped up like a baby who had been offered her favorite toy! I really do love concoction rice but I was ashamed to disclose this to my friends before today.

‘Why are you looking so happy? Ogini?’ Amanda questioned me.

‘I’m totally down for concoction rice, I don over miss am sef!’ I declared.

‘You like food sha, but make I no lie, me sef miss am. Oya madam de cook, we don gree.’ Amanda reported to Bimpe. She brought out all the ingredients we needed for the food and we all helped where we could while she cooked. After she had all the raw ingredients in the pot on the stove, she began to recount her weekend.

‘Like Amanda, I’Il just tell you about the fun we had and significant things that happened during the weekend. But let me tell you this, even though I had great fun and learn how to tow a boat, I don’t think Tony and I would be seeing each other again!’ Bimpe said.

‘Awww! What happened? What did he do to you?’ Sandra asked, her voice filled with concern.

‘Nothing bad happened! Now listen, unless you want me to jump to the end of the story…’


          When we left here, we went to his house directly. He lives in Ikoyi. His rented apartment is a duplex. The house has a dockyard behind it. You could hear the roars and see the waves of the water from his house. It was a serene environment and I loved it.

‘Welcome to my home.’ He said as he opened the door.

‘Thank you,’ I replied. He led me to his bedroom where we dropped my bags and then he gave me the tour of the house. After that, he offered me a drink which I took.


          We talked for a while and he said he was hungry. I offered to cook but he said his favorite restaurant was around the corner and he would love to take me there. I said no problem. He asked if I had slippers I could spare in my bags, I said yes. He also asked if I had a short knicker or bum-short, I said yes again. He then advised me to change into a tight top, a knicker and my slippers. I asked him why all this preparation for dinner, he said I’ll understand when we get there. He followed me to his bedroom and he changed into a similar attire like mine. What a strange dinner! I thought. As we were heading out I saw him took a shawl from his wardrobe.

‘What do you need that for?’ I asked.

‘In case you get cold.’ He replied smiling.

‘It’s actually around the corner and we can walk there, drive there, or we can go in my boat. What shall it be?’ He asked.

‘Let’s walk.’ I replied. So hand in hand we walked to the restaurant. While we walked, he told me about his favorite restaurant.

‘I like the place ’cause I can see the harbor from there and watch ships dock. This place is built into the sea and you can feel the water brush your feet while you eat. And their food is delicious too.’ He enlightened me and I understood why he told me to wear slippers I could spare and knickers. We walked for about ten minutes then we turned into a quiet corner street. We walked another three minutes then I saw the neon sign; SEALOVE.


          We walked into the dim lit restaurant. The tables were filled with couples and families. As I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the dimness of the restaurant. A waiter walked to us and asked Tony a strange question.

‘Oga Tony, long time. Welcome sir, dry or wet?’

‘Wet, and is my usual table free?’ Tony asked. The waiter went through a folder and said;

‘E dey sir.’ Tony thanked him and led me through a door towards the back. He opened the door and I was exposed to a beautiful scene. This part of the restaurant was built into the sea and you could see the anchored ships and their beautiful lights. The chairs are love seat unlike the single chairs in the dry part. Here lovers can sit together on a chair and neck away the cold.

‘It’s beautiful!’ I said and shivered as cold breeze enveloped me.

‘Yes, it’s beautiful but cold. We can go and sit at the other side if this place is too cold for you.’ Tony said.

‘It’s ok. I’ll be fine. Let me have that shawl though.’ I said and he wrapped the shawl around me and led me to the right top corner of the room.

‘All regulars have their own seats, this is mine. You can take off your slippers if you wish too.’ He said and I replied;

‘I’m fine with it on.’ Another waiter came along and greeted Tony. He gave me the menu and I chose Shawarma, Tony ordered for chips and fish.

‘Do you take whiskey, rum, gin, any spirit at all?’ Tony asked.

‘Why are you asking? Se ofe romi yo ni?’ I teased.

‘Aarh! No be so oo. It’s just that this cold can be chased away by hot drinks and you,’ he replied. He drew me closer into the arch of his arms and kissed me gently. I had never kissed softer lips. Oh mine! His lips were like a butter and milk puddle. I chewed on his lips, sinking my teeth gently into his bottom lip. Hmmm, it was a lovely first kiss.

‘Gmh-gmh,’ I heard and we stopped kissing. I fiddled with my bracelet like a child who had been caught stealing from her mother’s pot.

‘Oga, madam, watin make I give you to drink before your food ready?’ The waiter asked. Tony looked at me and asked,


‘Okay.’ I confirmed.

‘Give us Hennessy V.S.O.P and juice.’ He ordered. By the time he turned back to me, I had regained my composure and I had a question to ask him.

‘Looking at you, one would know you like water, what draws you to the sea? Why the Navy?’ I asked.

‘It is a long story, but I’ll tell you the short version. When I was young, I went to the village to see my grandpa who was a fisherman. When he was going fishing one day, I cried and begged to follow him but he was reluctant to take me because I couldn’t swim but I succeeded in persuading him. When we got to sea, we met with a storm and our boat was overturned. I nearly drowned if not for some other fishermen who came around. There and then I made up my mind to work on the sea. Since I didn’t want to be a fisherman, I chose to be a naval officer.’ He narrated.

‘Wow! Interesting!’ I said. Soon, our food and drinks arrived together. I must tell you, their Shawarma was the best I’ve tasted in a while. We talked while we ate. I told him about me and why I chose to be a nurse.

‘You see, mine is nothing heroic someone did for me. I simply became a nurse because I liked the way they dressed when I was young. But later on, I just discovered that I love to care for people.’ I told him.


          Our talks were punctuated with little kisses. About thirty minutes after our empty plates had been cleared, which was around 11:25 P:M, he called for our bill and paid. We left the restaurant and walked home hand in hand like we came, but this time, I was cold, very cold and my feet were wet. I was shivering all the way even though his hands and the shawl were around me. As the breeze set to chill my bones, I realized that I was a bit tipsy. I was missing my steps but I tried to compose myself till we got to his compound. He opened the gate, we entered and he locked the gate but didn’t move. He was staring at me with pure lust. His eyes alone began to heat my bones.

‘Why are you staring at me like that?’ I queried.

‘I want to fuck you…’ He stated. Well, I knew that was inevitable when I agreed to spend the weekend with him but still, I didn’t know what to say so I took his hand and took a step towards his door but he drew me back and whisper clearly.

‘No! I want to fuck you here. Now. Under the sky, on my, and in my car.’ I felt like screaming but I kept shut. I’ve never had an outdoor sex and I wouldn’t mind trying it. I looked around like a fugitive, trying to evaluate my surroundings, looking for nosy neighbors.

‘I live here alone Bimpe, fear not.’ He said while drawing me into his arms. His mouth advanced on mine but didn’t land because his phone rang.

‘Arh! Which kain caller be that one? Him no dey read mood?’ Amanda wanted to know.

‘Isssh! Don’t interrupt her jor! Continue jare.’ Koyin said and Bimpe continued.

He looked at his phone and said:

‘Shit! Baby please I’ve to pick this call…’ He walked away from me to pick his call while I stood there like a statue. He spent less than two minutes on the phone and walked back to me. I wanted to know who was calling him that late but I didn’t ask for fear of unpleasant answers, besides, it was none of my business.

‘Sorry about that baby. Where were we?’ He asked and I raised up my face to his in answer to his question. He dropped his soft lips on mine and my coldness ran away like a thief who was about to be discovered. He dropped the shawl that I wrapped around me and his hand began to roam while mine rested around his midriff. I took his upper lip between my own lips and licked it like an ice cone. I kissed the tip of his nose before going back to his lips. I drew the bottom lip into my mouth. I sucked, licked and chewed on it. While I was savoring his mouth, he was discovering my body. He tucked his hands into my waistband and squeezed my buttocks.

‘Hhmmmn!’ I moaned into his mouth.






*Tweeter/Instagram: @ola2rera

*BBM: 590f6144

*Call: 08128137311

…To be continued…

***Note: Please read, like, leave a comment and share, it makes me write better and want to please you!

Written by Olatorera

Edited by Olatorera and Ola Adeyemi Smith.

© 2015 by IBIOLAT communications.

About Olatorera

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