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Mum and dad
My mum and dad


          Everything that has a beginning must have an end and so SPIKES and SPARKLES hat come to an end. I thank God for this gift. For the talent to join A and B together and turn it into something people enjoy. I thank you all for reading because if you are not reading, I will not be writing. I thank you more for sharing with your friends and family. I thank you for the comments and criticism, trust me, it keeps me going. I can’t appreciate you enough and that’s why I am opening a celebration page. On this page, I will celebrate with you on your birthdays and special occasions. So join my Blackberry  (590F6144 ) so you can send in your pictures and occasions or send me a mail at Please join you’re my Instagram (@ola2rera) too because your pictures will be featured there too.


          I’ve not forgotten my pledge to gift out souvenirs to some people, I’m coalitions your comments to come up with the winners. (Please not that we will collate the comments on our former site; and together to come up with the winners.) Also, I challenge you to bring at least five of your friends to the blog every day. Most importantly, we are open for business! Please bring your adverts to this blog, I guarantee you enough audience for your product. Sponsorship and private investors are welcome too. I love you all very much. I love my fans and everyone knows!


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My family


          When you have a family that understands you and wants you to succeed, you have already won half of your battle. I couldn’t have written this story without the cooperation of my two brothers. These boys are my strength. They are my lab rats because I use them as experiments and to visualize my writing. When I was writing “THE PHILOSOPHY OF INTERLACED FINGERS” they sat there holding hands patiently for hours that took me to write it. They would bring my breakfast, lunch and dinner on my bed and clean after me too just so I can meet my deadline. They became my doctors and motivators. I love you brothers, I can’t say this enough every day!


          Ola Adeyemi Smith! My paddy of life, my second eye, my patient editor. (Who I didn’t give this to edit because he will remove his name!) Thank you for everything. May our dreams and aspirations for success come through. I love you too!


          Now let me get to the dedication. I dedicate this story to my mother and stepfather. You guys are my strength and inspiration. The kind of love you share keeps me going and makes me more resolute about love. How can I settle for less when I have seen love?


          My mom told me marriage is about SPIKES and SPARKLES. There will be spikes; these are the pains, disappointed, anger, misunderstanding, frustration and sometimes you will fall out of love with you partner but if you can hold it together with tolerance, trust, consideration, and understanding, you will pull through and bring back the sparkles to your marriage but if you have given your best, tried you best and you can’t hold it together, then you can leave. Your happiness and well-being are the most important thing! Mom? Your wisdom and knowledge are divine, your strength is amazing, your large heart is out of this world, your dedication is second to none and your love is limitless and timeless. Everything I’ve become is because of you. Need I say I love you?


          My stepfather, my daddy. You didn’t donate the sperm that made me but you are my daddy in all sense and me your daughter. I’m sure your co-Angels are missing you amongst them in heaven because you definitely can’t be a mere man! Whose heart is larger than yours? I’ve not seen. You never referred to us as your step children nor treat us like that. Our pain is your pain, our joy your joy. From you have learned love is pure! Love doesn’t care about what you have done or where you are coming from. Love only cares about you! The way you pursue our happiness and success, especially mine, can’t be defined. All I can say is thank you, God bless you. I love you.


          Wherever you are reading this, be you family, friend or fan, please raise a glass in a toast to all couples. May the SPIKES of your lives be gone and may the SPARKLES come in! Cheers.


          Now sit back and enjoy as I bring you the last episode of SPIKES & SPARKLES but don’t despair because I bring back to you “4GIRLS, 4BOYS, 1WEEKEND” by popular demand. All married couples exit, please. My single girls and boys, please coming. It’s going to be raw, hard and wet. Catch me if you can!



*Tweeter/Instagram: @ola2rera

*BBM: 590f6144

*Call: 08128137311

***Note: Please read, like, leave a comment and share, it makes me write better and want to please you!

Written by Olatorera

Edited by Olatorera 

© 2015 by IBIOLAT communications.

About Olatorera

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