I got home around four o’clock and took a quick shower, I moisturized with oil and layered my body mists, sprays and perfumes. I put on a light make up, I normally would not make up my face to the gym but today was different, I was going to try and seduce someone’s son or man as the …
“YEAH, almost there.” I murmured to myself as I felt hot liquid pull to the center of my body but then I remembered the bills I had to pay today, and my attention shifted from the ROSE on my clitoris, and I lost the orgasm again! “Oh my gush! Noooo!” I said in frustration. I have been at …
“Your honor, first let me say this, nothing anybody say can make me stay with my husband, I made the decision to leave this marriage twenty-six years ago…” The entire court gasped for air or expressed their shock as if on que. “Order!” The bailiff commanded and we all kept quiet. “Please continue Mrs. Ajayi.” The judge encouraged. “I …
Read More »DIVORCE CHRONILES: Ajayi VS Ajayi. 1
I love love, I mean, what else can one love more than watching two strangers fall in love and choose to stay together for the rest of their lives? However, life do happen! I got to the court premises very early as I like to watch arrival of couples. People are at their authentic self when they think no one …
Read More »COURT CHRONICLES: love disarray
I often wonder where and how love goes wrong. What made two adults who once said till love do us part take actions that ends the relationship while still alive! I have asked myself many times, couldn’t couples let go of their differences and stay together forever but hanging around the court has taught me that there is truly irreconcilable …
Hello there! It’s been a while, yeah? Did you miss me because I surely missed you dear dear fans and friends of olatorera’spen. I know I left for a while, and it looked like I forgot about you. I didn’t. Life just got real, and other things took over, but I missed you every day! The excitement we built together, …
Written by Olatorera Olowonyo If I told you what happened you wouldn’t believe me. I’m not a slut but I had the best sex of my life with a total stranger! In fact I believed he was the god of orgasm as an ordinary man can not do what he did! I have read and heard about such coincidences but …
Read More »ENOUGH TO KILL 30
IT wasn’t the last time they saw but every time he went to plead with her, the conversation went the same way but what broke him was her sabotaging him. She used her wealth and influence to find out his business using a private detective. She crippled his business, blocked his account and threatened to …
Read More »ENOUGH TO KILL 29
OLA watched the two criminals from the monitor trying to make up her mind on who to approach first. She also thought of putting both of them together but she quickly ruled against it. Grace looked very tired, she was on the edge of breaking but Kev on the other hand looked confident but for …
Read More »ENOUGH TO KILL 28
OLA and Smith watched from the monitor has Victoria sobbed. She was clearly guilty and remorseful but the deed as been done, she had to face the music. Her phone rang and it was the lab, she had been expecting their calls all day. ‘Yes!’ She said into the phone ‘D.O, the technicians are free …
Read More »ENOUGH TO KILL 27
SHE heard the commotion before she got to the front desk. She rushed there and found one of their suspects resisting arrest! It was Spider, the gun owner. ‘No! You people just look for any opportunity to throw me into jail! I’ve not done anything this time!’ She shouted at the officers. ‘Hey! Stop shouting! …
Read More »ENOUGH TO KILL 26
THEY walked the short distance to her office in silence each dying to hold the others hand. The moment the door closed behind them, he drew her into a tight embrace and she held him back. ‘I miss you.’ He said into her hair, kissed her forehead, nose and drop a light kiss on her …
Read More »ENOUGH TO KILL 25
THE moment their lips touched, the fire between them ignited again. This time, he took his time, he wanted to pleasure her, it was not about him. He had shown her little during the night but they were both in need of each other’s body and they took and gave each other what either needed. …
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