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  ‘Grandmaaaaa!’ the kids rushed down from the car into their grandmother’s waiting arms, she tried to hug them all at once and they smothered her with kisses.

‘Oh my darlings, how are you? I miss you.’


‘I’m fine grandma!’ ‘I miss you too grandma!’ ‘Where is grandpa?’ the kids said simultaneously.

‘Grandpa is inside…’ she said and the kids did not wait to hear the rest, they ran inside, she laughed at them. Children, they brought so much happiness to the heart of an old woman. Mrs. Davies thanked God for blessing her with long life to see her grandchildren. She looked toward her child who was offloading her children’s luggage out of her car.

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‘Arh mummy, eku ile.’


‘Oko mi, kaabo. Leave the bags, the maids will come for it. Give me a hug!’ Funmi walked into her mother’s arms and they held each other for a long time before the mother pulled away and searched her daughter’s face. Mothers have superpowers, they could look at you and detect if you were happy or in trouble.

‘Are you okay child?’ she asked. Funmi smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes.

‘I’m fine mummy.’ Funmi said taking a step towards the house and the mother followed suit. They talked about the children welfare as they walked.

Funmi has always been a daddy’s girl, her face lit up when she saw him sitting down his favorite sofa surrounded by her children. Her father looked up upon hearing her voice and he grinned at her.

‘Oh my dear, how are you! Come greet your daddy.’ Funmi walked over, creating a space for herself beside her children. She pecked and hugged him.

‘Hello daddy. How are you?’ and they launched into a long discussion, the children seeing this abandoned their grandfather and moved to their grandmother’s side.
An hour pass and Funmi was ready to leave. She hugged her father one last time before hugging and kissing her children.

‘You guys be good to grandma and grandpa, ok? Remember to do your home work and don’t eat too much of sweets! Okay?’ She warned and the kids promised to be of good behavior. Her mother walked her to the car.

‘Ehm Funmi, you may not say anything to me but I know you very well. A wise woman doesn’t talk or complain about her problems, she prays about it and look for practical solutions. Be tolerant, don’t ever hesitate to say sorry when you are wrong and sometimes when you are not, be caring and understanding. Communicate your feelings with your mouth, and finally, be gentle as a dove and be wise as a snake. Remember, the grass only look greener from across the fence. I am always here if you need me.’ The mother said to her daughter. Tears threatened to fall from Funmi’s eye but she fought it back, she said in shaky voice,

‘Thank you mum, I appreciate this.’


‘Anytime daughter. Now run along, it’s getting late. Drive carefully.’


‘Mummy, e ma bawon omo yen je oo.’


‘Iwo lomo, let me spoil them, they are just here for a few days! Bami ki oko e.’


‘Aa gbo. Odaabo.’ She said closing her car door and spending away.




‘Yes, that file should be given to Mr. Audu; he knows what to do with it. I’m fine, thank you. That will be all for now, if you have any problem with the file, send me a mail. Okay? Alright, bye.’ Seyi cut the call to his office and went back to his laptop. Five minutes later, he closed it. The sound of pings dropping on his phone made him checked it. He has one from Audu, one from Sugarberry, one from Sexytee, three from other colleagues and lots of broadcast messages. He opened Audu’s first.

Audu: Guy, how far? Na true true u no go show for office today? Anyways, I will drop the treated file on
your table. I hope all is well sha?’

Ever since there has been trouble in wonderland, he has been dedicated to his job and even though he was the boss, he never missed a day, so he understood why Audu was concerned. He replied him.

Seyi: I’m good, just taking care of some important issues. Please scan the file to me when you are done.
Thank you.

He read Sexytee’s messages too.

Sexytee: Hello Mr. Olorunda.
How are you?
You have disappeared from the radar again.
Anyway, have you talked to Prof? Please oo, don’t forget me.
God bless you. Thanks.

He has forgotten he promised to call the professor who was a family friend on her behalf. He immediately put a call through to the professor and pleaded on behalf of Sexytee, the professor promised to do his best then he replied Sexytee.

Seyi: Hello dear.
I’m sorry, I’ve been very busy and I am still very busy but I’ve spoken to professor Dairo.
He promised to go soft on you. Don’t blow it. Best luck.


He opened Sugarberry’s chat.

Sugarberry: Arh, nawa oo. U ve my numba, call me wen u r ready.

Awwww! Seemed someone was hurt, but at least she got the message. He replied all his pending messages and decided to surprise his wife.

Seyi wasn’t a great cook, but he knew how to put a simple meal together especially his favorite rice and plantain. Though he has finished half of the plantain while frying it, he managed to leave some for the meal. Let us face it, how many can fry plantain without tasting it? We are talk about dodo! He heated the vegetable soup in the fridge in the microwave and left it there to stow. He was getting out of the shower when he heard his wife driving in. He quickly towel dried, dressed up and rushed downstairs. She was sitting down when he got there. She looked tired; driving in Lagos traffic could do that to you. He moved behind her and began massaging her neck.

‘Hmmmmmm! That’s so nice.’ She sighed and relaxed under his fingers.

‘How are your parents?’ Seyi asked.

‘They are fine, they sent their regards, and dad says you should call him.’


‘Okay, I will. Are the children OK?’


‘More than OK, I’m just scared mummy will spoil them rotten before Sunday.’ Funmi sat up and Seyi moved to her side. He stretched his arm above her head and Funmi automatically moved closer and leaned against him and he started rubbing her arm, four seconds pass and they giggled together then it turned into a full laughter. Seyi managed to ask,

‘Why are you laughing?’


‘Why are you laughing too?’ She replied smiling.


‘I just remembered how we used to be, how we liked to watching TV like this…. What happened to us babe?’ Seyi said facing Funmi. Funmi turned to face him too, both searching each others faces trying to see beyond the surface. Funmi sighed and looked at her interlocked fingers sitting on her laps.

‘I don’t know… we just drifted apart. I think it’s…. I don’t know but I know we have a problem and we can’t continue like this. We need to talk, see a therapist.’ Funmi said watching his reaction closely.

‘A therapist? Is that not going too far? Can’t we talk about it ourselves?’


‘Yes baby, you know, a professional will help us get to the root of everything, and we can get someone else point of view. Please let’s talk to one. If we don’t like the first session then we won’t go back. How about that?’ Funmi cajoled. Seyi mulled over this for some seconds and then said,

‘Okay, but where do we find a therapist? Do you know anyone?’ Seyi asked. Funmi braced herself for the second war.

‘Well actually, I know someone… and she’s very good… and you know her too.’ She said softly.

‘Hmmm, who?’


‘Ehm ehm, it’s Ngozi. You see, she’s ve…’ Funmi was saying but Seyi cut her off.

‘Ngozi? Hell no. How can I sit in front of Ngozi, your Ngozi oo, and talk about our family to her? How can she be objective? Apart from that, she’s too close to us for us to be exposing what’s going on between us! If we are doing this, we need a stranger.’ He said raising his voice. Funmi shifted her sitting position to Seyi’s legs. She took his head into her hands. She rubbed his ears like he used to like it, she felt him relax, and she said smiling into his face.

‘Baby, Ngozi is a professional, very good at what she does, I assure you she’s going to be objective. She is a family friend and I am sure she cares for this family, we don’t know if the stranger we will see will care. To be sincere with you, she already knows we have problems. She told me I was the one at fault without even hearing anything from me. She taught me to do all these, and you can see its working. And don’t forget the deal, if you don’t like the first session, then we do it your way.’ Funmi watered the truth a bit; of course she had told Ngozi her side of the story! Seyi was totally relaxed now and she kissed his forehead, nose and lips, Seyi said,

‘Okay.’ He circled his hands around her and kissed her back.

‘I cooked us dinner.’ He informed her. Funmi’s face lit up and she laughed.

‘Really? What did you cook?’ she asked.

‘Rice and plantain and I heated the vegetable soup!’ he said like he has accomplished something greet. Funmi kissed him and Seyi responded in same pace then suddenly he stopped kissing her and panic was written all over his face.

‘What is it?’ Funmi asked alarmed.

‘Did you say Ngozi was on all these?’ Seyi asked.

‘Yes?’ Funmi answered not knowing where Seyi was going with his question then Seyi burrowed his head in Funmi’s bosom groaning.

‘Ngozi knew I was lying this morning when I told her you were sick! She must have had a laugh! Awwww!’ He said obviously embarrassed and Funmi laughed at him.

‘Yes she did!’ Funmi said taunting Seyi.

‘No wonder she was smiling this morning!’ Funmi kissed him and his embarrassment was forgotten.

‘The food will get cold.’ Seyi told Funmi in between kisses.

‘Let it, we will warm with, right now I’m hungry for you.’ She said pulling his polo shirt over his head.





*Tweeter/Instagram: @ola2rera


*BBM: 590f6144

*Call: 08128137311

…To be continued…

***Note: Please read, like, leave a comment and share . Predict what will happen next, it makes me write better and want to please you! 

Written and edited by Olatorera 
© 2015 by IBIOLAT communications. 

About Olatorera

Olatorera is a woman who loves love and loves to write. She is also a radio presenter who likes to give hope to people in distress. kindness is her love language.
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