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          Hello friends. Many of you caring and concerned fans have been calling, texting and mailing me to know why I haven’t updated. I want to thank you for your concerns. I owe you an apology and an explanation but I want you to know I will never leave you hanging. Those that have been reading from day 1 knows I’ve never missed a posting day except when we were upgrading this site. So friends, let me take you into my very crazy weekend.


          It was a very busy weekend,I had my aunt’s children over since Thursday, they were on mid-term break. I was cooking and very busy with children but I knew I can’t leave my wonderful friends who read my stories hanging, so I was writing too. I have been writing with my laptop for a while now but I decided to write with my iPad because it was easier to carry, I could write anywhere; kitchen, toilet, bedroom, etc and trust me, I wrote in all those places!

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          Inspiration was flowing and I was writing like a typist. I wrote 3 episodes of S&S (23,24 and 25). I was putting finishing touch before I send it to my editor; Smith when I decided to take a shower. It was very hot, I was covered in sweat and was very uncomfortable. Those who know me knows I’m a fish, I like to shower like 5 times in a day. So I went into the bathroom. I know was stupid for not saving as I was writing but I’ve been writing with this iPad for years and it’s on auto save. This has never happened before unless one time when I mistakenly deleted everything myself!


          I was feeling refreshed and I was ready to write one more episode but when I opened my word, it was empty! I thought it was a joke, I quickly checked the trash, it wasn’t there, I checked my saved documents, it wasn’t there, I control z, undo and redo, still nothing! I called all the IT gurus I know, I did everything I was told, yet nothing. Need I say I was already in tears? I was beside myself with grief. I gave up, I was angry with myself, how stupid could I be?


          Smith tried to console and encourage me, but I won’t have any of it. My younger brother was almost in tears as he watched me wallowed in pains. I drank and cried myself to sleep. Then a colleague and a good friend Dotun Taylor who is also a good writer saw my pains and he told me something that changed my thinking. He didn’t beg or encourage me. He told me to write about my pains. He told me to share my pains with my fans. He told me I need to allow people into my pains and let you guys know I’m just an ordinary person who makes mistakes. Most importantly, I need to tell you the reason who haven’t seen any updates because you deserve to know the truth.


I wrote a short poem that I titled CONTROL S which I will share with you when I open my poem section. After this poem, I was able to start writing again. I want to let you know it’s alright to let people in when you are pains. I like to be alone when I grief, it’s the best way I know how to but after this weekend, I will always try to let my trusted friends and family into my pains. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on.


          Now I save every five minutes of writing! I don’t believe in auto save again! I thank you all that contacted me, I love you and I am more committed to bringing you wonderful stories. If I begin to mention names I will offend you all but permit me to mention some people.


Smith: Thank you for being there, I am sorry I didn’t let you in but I’m also angry with you now! Beg me ooo.

Tunji: You always surprise me with your good heart and philanthropist pockets and believe in my ability and dreams. If money can solve it, then Tunji will never let me grief. I’m in your debt.

Dotun: You very good at what you do and I’m scared you may take my job! Just kidding! Thank you for exploring my pains.

Toyin: Ileri a se, ayanfe lofokan bale oo, ileri a se! Dreams will come true, beloved be patient, that was the song she sang for me. I love you too bestie.

Sulaimon: Although I was against your birth because I wanted to be an only child but if I come back to this world 100 times, I want you to be my brother always! He offered to help me write it as if he knows what I want to write!

Gbolahan: Akanni mi. Sometimes I actually believe you are our grandfather! The way you talk is so mature I sometimes think you are my elder brother instead of my youngest brother. He said I quote, ‘na you now! Story plenty for ground, just pick your pen sis. Irunmole to n ko yati! I trust you!’


All of you are my jewel of inestimable value. So fans, friends and family, gear up because Olatorera is back and better. Please forgive me if the updates don’t come on their normal days; Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but I promise you will have your three episodes per week. I love you, don’t every doubt or forget that!





*Tweeter/Instagram: @ola2rera

*BBM: 590f6144

*Call: 08128137311

…To be continued…

***Note: Please read, like, leave a comment and share . Predict what will happen next, it makes me write better and want to please you!

Written and edited by Olatorera

© 2015 by IBIOLAT communications.

About Olatorera

Olatorera is a woman who loves love and loves to write. She is also a radio presenter who likes to give hope to people in distress. kindness is her love language.
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