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BITCH CLASS: neck down, knee up. (+18)


          Hi girls, how are you doing? I see we are a bit lesser in numbers today and frankly, I like it. As this class proceeds, most of you will leave, some I will send away myself, some will leave on their own. It’s gong to get tougher and harder. Only the real bitches will survive the heat. Last week we learnt our first lesson which was? Hello-oo, when I ask you a question, you answer me like the smart girl you are or supposed to be! What did we learn last week? Correct! Your greatest enemy is the other girl. Just before we start today’s class, let me ask, raise up your hand if you have just one boyfriend. Common don’t be shy, raise up your hands lover girls. Ok, 1-2-3-4-5-6, ok, six of you come out here. Alright, thanks for taking this course but you are not needed in this class, no bitch-wanna-be has just a boyfriend, you are not ready for this class, please leave my class. So where were we? Good. 

          Today’s lesson is called SMART GIRL 101 and there are uncountable topics under it but the first topic we will examine is NECK DOWN, KNEE UP. I know you girls are naughty and the guys you date are perverts, they ask for your naked pictures and you give it to them. I am not judging you, after all, I’m Queen Bicth. The first rule of sending a naked picture to a guy is NECK DOWN, KNEE UP. You don’t for any reason under any circumstances send your naked picture showing your face. Only and only if he truly loves you will it be for his eyes only, otherwise he will show his friends. If you have birth or distinctive marks on your breast or the part you are exposing, make sure to cover it up. You never know when these guys will snitch on you. If by any chance your naked picture with your face gets expose online or to the public, be the first to cry wolf. Don’t deny it, it will only get worse, defend it! Thank God for technology, say it’s a photoshopped picture, use it on your Facebook and curse the hell out of the person that photoshopped your neck on the naked body. Then leave the Internet or your residence for three weeks, all rumour expires in twenty-one days if you don’t fuel it. Are we clear? Cool. I’ve an assignment for you. This weekend, go out and have a one-night-stand, document it and submit it to my email before our next class, if you can’t or don’t, please don’t come back to this class!
          Any question today? I see lots of hands, hmmm. You, the girl in black. Are you mourning? So what’s your problem, your face tells it all. Hmmmmm, I see. Well, I empathize with you but crying won’t solve your problem. First of all, a secret shared with your friend is no more a secret. Secondly, you didn’t raise up your hand when I asked those who have one boyfriend to, that means you are also cheating on him so stop the crocodile tears and let’s treat the issue at hand. 
          Don’t ever tell your friend about your boyfriend’s sexual skills, if she’s not getting enough in her own relationship, she will lust after your man. I know we are girls and we are supposed to be gossip mistress but keep those whom you are fucking to yourself! Your friend doesn’t need to know all you bed mates. You friend will snitch on you if she wants your man! Ok? So next time you walk in on your boyfriend and you friend having sex, this is what you do. 
          A bitch will smile, apologise and leave the room, then you go after her boyfriend, the one she really loves, tell him what happened and fuck him too if you fancy him. If you a queen bitch and you walked in on your boyfriend and friend having sex, you join them in the bed, then go after your friend’s boyfriend and fuck him too. After that, you go after your friend’s father and make sure she knows it. If she is giving you trouble, you pay her a visit at home and tell her mother you don’t know why your friend is angry with you and she should please interfere! Lobatan. See you next week.


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…To be continued…

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 Written and edited by Olatorera 

© 2015 by IBIOLAT communications.

About Olatorera

Olatorera is a woman who loves love and loves to write. She is also a radio presenter who likes to give hope to people in distress. kindness is her love language.
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