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          After yesterday’s episode of 4-4-1, lots of girls emailed me! They wanted to know what to do to make their pussy cleaner, tighter, and fresher. When some told me the things they do to their vaginae and what they use on them, I almost cried and that’s the reason I’ve brought you this topic.


          So girls, let’s talk about our down below. Most times when I ask men why they don’t want to down on girls, the common answer is, it smells. For a long time, I didn’t understand it until a friend slept over in my house. Immediately she took off her panty, the odor filled everywhere and then I understood. You guys know my motto, ‘if he can’t eat it, he can’t hit it!’ and ‘If you want a b.j, you give a head!’ I’ve never opened my legs to a man’s face and he says it smells! Ko jor! God forbid bad thing ke! So after lots of research and from my own personal hygiene, I bring to you things you can do to keep your vagina fresh but first, let’s get some facts straight.

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          Your pussy is not odorless or tasteless! Your vagina is not supposed to smell like a flower garden or perfume. Just like sperm has its own smell and taste, so thus the pussy. However, the odor or taste is not offensive. I don’t know how to explain the smell except saying it’s the smell of the pussy and every pussy has its own scent, but the pussy juice is a bit salty. But there are ways to make it smell and taste better. The things you wear and eat affects the way you smell and taste.


          Your pussy is full of bacteria! I know the word bacteria sounds bad but not in your vagina. These bacteria keep infections away from your vagina. One of the bacteria is lactobacilli and it can also be found in yogurt. These bacteria release secretions in your vagina. These secretions cleanse your vagina and prevent infections. So girls, that white milky stuff in your vagina is normal! It’s protecting you against germs. You should only get concern when it’s too much or when it smells like an egg yoke or fish or plainly unpleasant and when the color is not white.


          Your vagina is full of muscles and like every muscle in your body, they need to be exercised too. What are the benefits of exercising your vagina muscles? It helps tighten your pussy and makes it easier for you to climax! Besides, the tighter, the better!


          So now that we have these facts, let’s talk about getting your vagina into a better shape, that is, get it to smell nice, make it tighter and taste better.



The kind of lingerie you wear will affect the way you smell. The vaginal area doesn’t like heat. It makes it hot, then it sweats and you all know sweat with heat smells. Add the sweat with frictions between your legs to the mix and the smell is bound to be strong. Avoid nylon and polyester material. Don’t wear panties that are too tight! Your pussy needs to breathe sister! I don’t want to believe a girl will wear a panty twice but if you are doing it please stop it. It’s not good for your health! If you don’t have enough panties, no problem! Join my club; I don’t wear then at all!


          When you are at home, try to let your vagina area breath. Wear loose clothes and no panties. Aside the fact that it’s safe, it’s very sexy. Your husband or boyfriend knows there’s nothing under you dress! It’s a great turn on.



          What are you eating? If it smells in your mouth, it is likely to smell in your pussy! So avoid garlic etc when you know you are going to have sex. Eat lots of sweet-smelling fruits like, pineapple, strawberry etc. Eat ice cream and yogurt! Yogurt is very good for you, in fact, you can drop a spoonful of yogurt on a tampon and insert it into your vagina for an hour then remove and clean with water. Drink lots of water too.




          So how do you exercise it? There are many ways but the easiest I know is clamping down on your urine flow. When you have to ease yourself, make sure you are really pressed then stop the urine flow and hold for 10 to 15 seconds before releasing it. Do it at least twice in a day and you will notice the difference in a month, trust me.



          Hot substances are no no for Miss V! It amazes me when I hear things like, sit on hot water and antiseptic liquid or soap to make your vagina cleaner or tighter! Arh! Won ti ba ileshe je oo! My sisters, please don’t ever do that! Your vagina is self-cleaning! It can clean itself but if you have to clean it don’t use harsh things on it! Use mild and non-scented soap and warm or cold water. The places that need to be cleaned are the labial and hair area. If you have body odor problem, see your doctor but try to exfoliate your skin often. Exfoliate is rubbing your skin with palm oil and bathing with salted warm water. Scrub your armpit and vagina area with lots of salts too! But if you can afford to visit a spa or buy the modern exfoliants, good for you!


          Don’t douche! You don’t need any chemical in your vagina! It produces acidic substances and that’s all the chemical it needs! The secretions flush out cells from the vaginal wall, excess water, and bacteria. When you put chemicals and soaps into it, it takes away the secretions that are supposed to clean it. You will be exposed to infections if you douche and you may be dry before and during sex.


          During your menstruation, be extra hygienic. Change your pads or tampons according to your flow. Change your panty as often as you change you pad and bath as many times as possible. Exercise during your period so that all the blood can come out freely and without pains.


          After finishing your business in the toilet, always clean up properly! Make sure you don’t carry excreta from your asshole to your vagina. Try and clean up from the back. For me, personal hygiene is very important! I first clean my asshole with a tissue, then I clean with water and soap and I dry with a baby wipe! Try it and your ass won’t feel the same again! Love your bum girls!


          I can’t phantom how a girl will piss and wear her panty without cleaning! Hell no! Always clean with water after easing yourself and dry with a clean tissue but the best way to dry off is using baby wipes; that’s non-scented and non-antiseptic baby wipes oo! Enhen! Don’t wear your panty when your vagina area is still wet! Keep it dry!


          If you want to smell good down below, eat sweet-smelling food, never ever spray your vagina with perfumes or body spray! You hear? Never! It irritates that area and you can be infected! Remember we said nothing hot on the lovely Miss V!


          The hair in your vagina can harbor dirt! So shave as often as possible. If you like the hair, no problem, keep it very short and the labial folds in view. Your pussy is special! It’s different from your friend’s. Look for what works for you and stick with it. If shaving with a stick gives you rashes, try shaving cream. You can use sheer butter as an after shave! Don’t have sex immediately after shaving, give it a few days. The reason being that you might have cut yourself and you will be more open to STD!


          I know we all want to cuddle up after sex but sister, it is important you take a shower or clean up your honey pot real good after sex! I’m not talking about sticking tissue in between your legs,I am talking about washing the vaginal area with water and a mild soap! Sweat, saliva, and sperm had just mixed together, how can you sleep like that?


          The vagina is self-sufficient. It tells you when it has a problem. When you are infected, you will know within a day because it will itch, then it will smell and discharge unpleasant and colored substances. What do you do? As a first aid, clean with water. When you are washing it, try your best not to scratch it! Insert a tampon into your vagina so that it can absorb the unpleasant discharge or line your panty with a panty-liner and rush to your doctor or, at least, a pharmacist. Please answer the doctor’s or pharmacist’s questions with all sincerity so that they will give you the right treatment. Did you have unprotected sex? Did you wear your friend’s panty? Did you open yourself to a dirty place? Did you douche? Please whatever you must have done that led to infection, always tell the truth!


          When you get home, take everything your vagina has touched and wash thoroughly, then soak with hot water and antiseptic liquid and wash it again! Don’t touch them until you are rid of the infection. Make sure you throw away the panties you used during the infection. Wash your toilet as often as possible with disinfectants. Don’t share your clothes, especially your underpants with your friends!


          So girls, I hope you have learned something today but I want to beg you to use your internet! Don’t just search for the best Brazilian hair or clothes or what KK wore to the events, learn about yourself! Google oooo! Google the things you don’t know about your body. Wait oo? Abi you think say na my head or from experience I bin dey bring you all these things? I laugh oo.



          Remember the dos and don’ts of the vagina. Be hygienic. If you have done all these correctly, I promise you your boyfriend or husband will enjoy you. Men are likely to go down on you without you asking if they know you are a clean girl!


Too much of sex with multiple partners wear out your pussy. Use it wisely!


          That being said, see your doctor for further information! I’m out!






*Tweeter/Instagram: @ola2rera

*BBM: 590f6144

*Call: 08128137311

…To be continued…

***Note: Please read, like, leave a comment and share, it makes me write better and want to please you!

Written by Olatorera

Edited by Olatorera and Ola Adeyemi Smith.

© 2015 by IBIOLAT communications.

About Olatorera

Olatorera is a woman who loves love and loves to write. She is also a radio presenter who likes to give hope to people in distress. kindness is her love language.
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